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Hoser Horror - Scanners I & II feat. Patrick Cotnoir
Carlo and Dan are back at it again, in the Great White North, joined by Patrick Cotnoir to discuss Scanners and Scanners II!
Hoser Horror: An Interview with Allan Levine (Emmeritus Productions & More!)
On this episode of Hoser Horror, Dan talks to Allan Levine about their history with Emmeritus Productions, their long career in the Canadian film industry, and so much more!
Back Row's Fourth Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
Back Row turns four on Saturday! This past year we shifted focus a bit more to reviewing new films as they came out, but judging from our most popular articles it seems the audience wants what their hearts want: MORE BLOOD.
Hoser Horror: Top of the Food Chain (1999) & Corpse Eaters (1974)
Join Carlo and Dan as they talk about two completely random, theme-less Canadian horror movies that they happened to want to watch this week: Food Chain (1999) & Corpse Eaters (1974)
Hoser Horror: The Pink Chiquitas (1987) & Wicked World (1991 / 2009)
This time on Hoser Horror, Dan and Carlo are joined by Meghann of Ghouls Only Press and the Ghouls Only Cast to discuss two Canadian horror movies of varying quality.
Hoser Horror: Deathdream (1974) & Seizure (1974)
Carlo and Dan welcome Back Row's own Jenna to discuss two more Canadian horror movies about fantastical murderers–Bob Clark’s anti-war classic Deathdream and Oliver Stone’s home invasion Seizure.
Hoser Horror: Blood Clan (1990) & Evil Judgment (1984)
This week on a very special episode of Hoser Horror, Dan and Carlo decide to dive into two more spooktastic horror flicks as is customary around this time of year. Or so they thought!
Hoser Horror: Invasion of the Mindbenders (1987) & Possession (1987)
We're back with another episode of Hoser Horror, two "horror" movies from 1987 and an extra-special returning guest: Matt from Compañeros Radio Network!
Hoser Horror: Rituals (1977) & Trapped (1982)
Dan and Carlo go back to the backwoods and deal with the dangers lurking within, featuring Rituals (1977) and Trapped (aka Baker County, U.S.A., 1982)
Hoser Horror: Slashers & The Mangler 2
This time on Notes from the Back Row, Carlo and Dan are back in the Great White North talking about two movies from the 2000s.
Hoser Horror: Eternal Evil & Deadline
This time on the latest episode of Hoser Horror, Dan and Carlo watch a double-feature about men, their failing lives and relationships, and their inability to distinguish reality from non-reality.
Hoser Horror: Killer Party & Prom Night with Amanda Reyes
Carlo and Dan are joined by Made For TV Mayhem's Amanda Reyes to talk all things Killer Party and Prom Night!
Hoser Horror: The Peanut Butter Solution & To Catch A Yeti (Feat. Matt from Compañeros Radio Network)
Matt from the Compañeros Radio Network joins Dan and Carlo to talk about two nightmarish kids movies.
Hoser Horror: The Kiss & Graveyard Shift
This week, it's a duo of supernatural-ish shockers with Graveyard Shift (1987) & The Kiss (1988). One’s about a taxi drivin’ vampire who falls in love with an intended victim and the other is about…. something else entirely.
Hoser Horror: Interview with Jesse D'Angelo
This time on Hoser Horror, Dan is hosting without Carlo because he had a chance to sit down with Jesse D’Angelo, step-son of writer-director John Fasano and son of screenwriter/author Cindy Cirile (who wrote Rapid Fire and Black Roses as well as produced Fasono’s The Jitters.)
Hoser Horror: Humongous & Cross Country feat. Shea Mossefin
Carlo and Dan taking another look into the filmography of Paul Lynch as they watch his island-set slasher Humongous and the cross-country sleaze-o-rama... Cross Country.
Hoser Horror: Radioactive Rabids
This time on Hoser Horror Dan and Carlo talk about Revenge of the Radioactive Reporter and Rabid!
Back Row's Third Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
We’re three years old today! Check out the most popular articles from our third year on this mortal coil–including I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, and I Watched It So You Don’t Have To and Hoser Horror.
Hoser Horror: The Clown Murders & The Clown at Midnight
Carlo & Dan both watched The Clown at Midnight and The Clown Murders and it was no laughing matter!
Ep# 36 - Hoser Horror: Phone Murder by Death Ship (with Paul Corupe)
Guest Paul Corupe joins Dan & Carlo to discuss two notable tax shelter era horror movies featuring inanimate objects as murderers: Murder by Phone and Death Ship.