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Double Feature: 30-Something Delinquents Going on 16 (Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent)
Turning 30 can be rough. All that peer pressure, awkward insecurity, fights with mom, not to mention the raging hormones… Wait did I say 30? I meant 16. Sorry, I get those two confused somehow, just like our double feature: Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent.
Ep# 11 - The Tomfoolery of Jerry Lewis Movies
Jenna and Carlo go on a chronological foray into Jerry Lewis’ cartoon-like films, starting with Frank Tashlin’s Artists & Models and The Geisha Boy, to Lewis’ own The Nutty Professor. They like it, they like it!
Nuclear Documentaries or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace Our Fate
Worried about a nuclear holocaust? Well here's a list of documentaries that highlight four other things that should terrify you more!
SubUrbia: The Kitsch Underbelly of America
American suburbia reborn in the '80s and '90s as a haven in a heartless world