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Double Feature: Desperate Man Double (Dog Day Afternoon & The Mist)
This double feature is about desperation beyond comprehension; these aren’t films about the about the possibility of a disaster but the fruition of one.
Double Feature: They're Living East Coast vs West Coast (They Live & They Look Like People)
It’s commonplace now for people to assume some massive conspiracy is going on behind the scenes. They Live and They Look Like People cover similar ground but with two very different tones.
Double Feature: We Live in a Society (Polite Society & Society 1989)
Society supports and also confines us, so naturally this is very fertile ground for all variety of art; be it satirical, comedic, or body horror.
Double Feature: Trapped and Bothered (Certain Women & All the World is Sleeping)
In this double feature, we follow a whole variety of stories about trapped women, and get to see just how universal the feeling of “where do I go from here?” really is across genders.
Double Feature: Death By Bureaucracy (Zerograd and The Trial)
A double feature of two movies, both of which have recently been restored and re-released, that tackle the maddening maze of bureaucracy – Orson Welles’ The Trial and Shakhnazarov’s Zerograd.
Double Feature: Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armor (Catherine Called Birdy & I Capture the Castle)
Jenna double features two adaptations of beloved YA novels with Catherine Called Birdy and I Capture The Castle – the first about the actual 13th-century and the second about a girl in the 1930s living in a crumbling 13th century Castle.
Double Feature: Youth In Exciting Times (Diary of a Teenage Girl & Acid Test)
Veronica double features two teens experimenting with broadening their horizons in two turbulent decades – Diary of a Teenage Girl and Acid Test.
Double Feature: Home is Where The Music Is (Poly Styrene: I Am A Cliche & Box of Rain)
For someone looking for a community of their own, music scenes become a home where the lack of one is being felt. Documentaries Poly Styrene: I Am A Cliche and Box of Rain dive into the worlds of punk and deadheads with a focus on finding a sense of belonging.
Double Feature: Of Love and Anxiety (Audition & Possession)
Veronica serves up an anxiety-riddled double feature for you to watch with your romantic partners with Audition (1999) and Possession (1981). Enjoy the pain!
Double Feature: You Meta Believe It (Keep an Eye Out & In Action)
Our latest double feature centers on the idea of movie making, performance and the blurred line between art and real life – featuring two new releases Quentin Dupieux's Keep an Eye Out and Eric Silvera & Sean Kenealy's In Action.
Double Feature: 30-Something Delinquents Going on 16 (Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent)
Turning 30 can be rough. All that peer pressure, awkward insecurity, fights with mom, not to mention the raging hormones… Wait did I say 30? I meant 16. Sorry, I get those two confused somehow, just like our double feature: Crime in the Streets & The Delicate Delinquent.
A Double and Dinner: Moonstruck (1987) & I Love You to Death (1990)
It’s dinner and a movie with Italians, American Style! Veronica mixes it up by providing you with two recipes to go with your double feature of Moonstruck and I Love You To Death.
Double Feature: Scenes from the Class Struggle in Florida (Magic Mike & Wild Things)
It’s The Man vs Florida Man in this double feature focusing on Magic Mike and Wild Things. Both films focus on the unhappiness of those who have money all of the money in the world and those who are desperately trying to claw their way to the top.
Double Feature: Dashed Dreams of Unrequited Love (Le Notti Bianche & The Science of Sleep)
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, it’s a double feature of Le Notti Bianche and The Science of Sleep–two films that can offer some therapeutic soul deflation to counteract the pressures of the day.
Double Feature: Where, Oh Where, Can My Baby Be? (Burning & The Vanishing)
Contrary to the somewhat giddy title, this is not a happy double feature. Both Burning and The Vanishing center around male protagonists trying to find a woman who has mysteriously disappeared.
Double Feature: Female Anxiety, Tinseltown Edition (Play It As It Lays & Ingrid Goes West)
You can dress it up in stars and glamour but at some point you’ll realize the sunny dream of Los Angeles is really just made of plaster and plyboard like the rest of it. Play It As It Lays and Ingrid Goes West both feature protagonists who figure that out a little too late.
Double Feature: Fractions of Art and Mind (8½ & 9½ Weeks)
You may be surprised to find out that 8 1/2 and 9 1/2 Weeks have more in common than their sequential titles; they’re both approaches to art-making about approaching art-making.
Double Feature: The Dangers of Peer Pressure (Last Summer & The Party's Over)
If you watch The Party’s Over and Last Summer in a row and you'll come away realizing not only was the dream of the 1960s a lie, but we've never actually accomplished anything.
Double Feature: Revenge, Irish Style (Black 47 & Bad Day For The Cut)
Black 47 and Bad Day for the Cut both star bearded Irish men with rifles who are out for blood over political strife. So if you want some charming accents and a whole lot of violence, look no further than this double feature.
Double Feature: The Stylish and Violent Op Art Future We Deserve (Clockwork Orange & The 10th Victim)
That's right folks, pretty soon we'll be able to violently murder each other next to some sweet-ass concentric circles, just like our forefathers envisioned. You might scoff, but we've been dreaming of this future for a long time.