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I Watched It Five Times in Theaters So You Don't Have To: Tom Hooper's Cats
The experience of seeing Cats, especially at a late-night or rowdy screenings, is like trying to solve a brain-teaser in a karaoke bar on a rollercoaster. Guest contributor PJ Kryfko lays out who, what, and how of Cats, as well as why he will be watching it for the rest of his life.
Back Row's Third Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
We’re three years old today! Check out the most popular articles from our third year on this mortal coil–including I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, I Watched It So You Don’t Have To, Hoser Horror, and I Watched It So You Don’t Have To and Hoser Horror.
Ep# 19 - Kingdom of Trash (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love Junk Horror)
This week on the podcast, Veronica and Dan discuss trashy jump-scare horror and the current trend of calling certain genre films “elevated.”
Art vs Trash: Why "Elevated Horror" Doesn't Work As Well as Junk Horror
Horror films are like yoga for the primordial parts of our brains, and when something is so directly tied to our lower instincts, it can be hard to ‘pretty it up.’
Double Feature: Fractions of Art and Mind (8½ & 9½ Weeks)
You may be surprised to find out that 8 1/2 and 9 1/2 Weeks have more in common than their sequential titles; they’re both approaches to art-making about approaching art-making.
Ep# 6 - Horrific Hilarious Horror (and Other H Words)
It's the Halloween episode of Notes From the Back Row! We're discussing everything from horror franchises, teen horror, horror comedies and VHS horror.
Ep# 4 - CHUD Buddies Double Feature
We're back, and this week Dan and Carlo take the wheel of the podcast and speed off, careening right off a cliff and into cult cinema territory - hand in hand.