Articles, Essays and More

Essays Veronica Dolginko Essays Veronica Dolginko

The Evolution of Election

Veronica writes an ode to Alexander Payne’s Election – a perfect microcosm of the US, our inherent mistrust of ambitious women, and the gross reality of being a human.

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Reviews Jenna Ipcar Reviews Jenna Ipcar

Three Men, and a Baby In The White House: Onur Tukel's The Misogynists

Onur Tukel’s The Misogynists tickles an intellectually vouyeristic itch by peering into the minds of people who were actually happy after the 2016 election. There is something cathartic about the film’s fly-on-the-wall approach to analyzing people through their political convictions–though the darts Tukel throws at the left hit much closer to home.

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Reviews Jenna Ipcar Reviews Jenna Ipcar

I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Myra Breckinridge

Myra Breckinridge is indeed a failure of an adaptation, yet I suspect the intensity of the vitriol towards this film is about something beyond just the admittedly poor direction; most likely it has more to do with the unconscious biases Vidal set out to skewer to begin with.

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