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Review of '223 Wick': Psychedelic Parrish, Midnight Movie Madness
223 Wick is a film that will be appreciated by aficionados of the experimental, underground works of the ‘60s and ‘70s where sometimes you’re only along for the ride because of the psychedelic visuals and totally out there concepts.
Make The Electrical Life of Louis Wain Your New Religion
Jenna is encouraging you to not only go see The Electrical Life of Louis Wain but also to join her in starting a new electric religion based on Louis’ own quasi-scientific ramblings and psychedelic cat drawings.
This Is Indeed a Disturbing Universe: Movies for Our Troubled Times
Staring into the realm of existential horror can actually be quite liberating, and there’s no surer cure for deep-rooted anxiety than fully embracing nihilism and toasting the end of the world. Join me as we take a closer look at First Reformed, Arlington Road and In The Intense Now / No Intenso Agora.
The Coca-Cola Kid and the Corporate Comforts of Selling Out
The Coca-Cola Kid was largely forgotten by time for a multitude of reasons. But it's Jenna’s suspicion that the movie got such a mixed reception due to the fact that, while we'll rarely admit it, subconsciously we all kinda love our advertising overlords.
Double Feature: It's Outta Control (Killing of a Sacred Deer & A Serious Man)
Take control and watch a double feature of The Killing of a Sacred Deer with A Serious Man. Sure to throw you into at least the most basic of existential turmoil, if not some sort of nervous breakdown.