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Keeping Tempo but Losing Time: TÁR (2022) Ending Explained
Lydia’s obsession with legacy is in turn an obsession with control. But in this modern world of social media-driven celebrity, spaces once reserved for the self-appointed elite have shrunk significantly. So focused on her need to achieve an invulnerable standard, Lydia becomes blind to the evolving reality around her.
Elvis Never Left the Building: A Review of Baz Luhrmann's 'Elvis'
Elvis ended up being the best of what it could have been: a glittering frenzy of feverish reverence, replete with pink suits and matching Cadillac cars, hysterical hip-shaking highs and slurred, sweat-dripping lows.
Double Feature: Home is Where The Music Is (Poly Styrene: I Am A Cliche & Box of Rain)
For someone looking for a community of their own, music scenes become a home where the lack of one is being felt. Documentaries Poly Styrene: I Am A Cliche and Box of Rain dive into the worlds of punk and deadheads with a focus on finding a sense of belonging.
Valley of the Dolls: Beautiful Trash
Vern delves into that oft misrepresented technicolor dream Valley of the Dolls
In Defense of Remakes
Who gets to choose what's okay to remake and what's not? Do we put it to vote? What if the electoral college fucks it up?