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Post-Anime Club: The Legend of the Stardust Brothers & Hausu
Instead of trying to tackle an entire oeuvre, this time Carlo & Jenna focus on two wild and wacky films that have nothing in common except for their supremely cartoonish appearances.
Carlo's C.R.A.P. (Cinematic Rarities And Peculiarities) 2019
Carlo’s caught a bad case of Movietitis B in 2019 so stay clear if you don’t wanna get sick.
Sill going for it, eh? Sick.
Double Feature: Manga in Chains (Female Prisoner Scorpion & Riki-Oh)
Based on a manga? Check. Strong, silent protagonist? Check. Prisons? Check. Rage against The Man? Check. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky and the Female Prisoner Scorpion movies complement each other perfectly as showcases of Japanese and Hong Kong cinema at the zenith of their age.