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Double Feature: Of Love and Anxiety (Audition & Possession)
Veronica serves up an anxiety-riddled double feature for you to watch with your romantic partners with Audition (1999) and Possession (1981). Enjoy the pain!
15 Movies For Your Halloween Horror Watchlist
Dan’s back at it again this year, this time with 15 horror movies ready for adding to your Halloween watchlist. The only question is: which will you watch first?
Male Anxiety Movies That Fear the Future is Female
In this day of blurred lines between gender, sexual orientation, and what those words even mean, the axiom of the “every man” is fading away. Veronica looks at three movies that anticipated this inevitable sea change with varying degrees of male tears.
Double Feature: No Homo, Bro (Moonlight and Chuck & Buck)
A double feature of Moonlight with Chuck and Buck
Eat Your Heart Out: The Carnivorous Women of Raw and The Lure
Women feasting on the life-force of men, presented in two great female-directed films.