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Back Row Book Club: The Poignant & Grotesquely Funny Cinema of Ettore Scola
The Cinema of Ettore Scola is an essential addition for the shelves of those who have wondered what contextual nuances they might have been missing out on, or anyone who has wanted to dip their toes into the wonderful world of Italian political satire.
La Dolce Vita Rip-Offs and Spiritual Remakes
Since La Dolce Vita premiered, we've been treated to so many versions and variations of this story, all with varying degrees of glitz and sadness. While there have been no direct remakes, there has been a pretty impressively diverse group of films that have been inspired by it.
Double Feature: Fractions of Art and Mind (8½ & 9½ Weeks)
You may be surprised to find out that 8 1/2 and 9 1/2 Weeks have more in common than their sequential titles; they’re both approaches to art-making about approaching art-making.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom
We tend to think of Fascism as everyone “agreeing” to the same ideals, but those boundaries are rarely ever publicly decided. Instead of a commentary on what fascism does, Salo presents what it allows for.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: La Grande Bouffe
La Grande Bouffe is a movie that drags out all of the worst qualities in humanity and society, mixes them with our most base and unpleasant bodily functions, and then wallows in them all like pigs in shit.
Giallo to Grindhouse: Our Fascination With Violence
What is it that interests humans in seeing others killed, maimed, or tortured? A look at giallo, grindhouse, and the beyond.