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Double Feature: Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armor (Catherine Called Birdy & I Capture the Castle)
Jenna double features two adaptations of beloved YA novels with Catherine Called Birdy and I Capture The Castle – the first about the actual 13th-century and the second about a girl in the 1930s living in a crumbling 13th century Castle.
The World is Burning. Why Can't I Stop Watching Mission Impossible?
Jenna watched every Mission Impossible movie while under quarantine and she was shocked to find that, instead of the nationalistic action-schlock she had anticipated, the entire franchise is actually an unwitting call to true anarchistic revolution.
Carlo's Corner: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's... Your Inflated Sense of Self-Esteem!
So long, Superman. Your secret identity is safe with me.