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Double Feature: Youth In Exciting Times (Diary of a Teenage Girl & Acid Test)
Veronica double features two teens experimenting with broadening their horizons in two turbulent decades – Diary of a Teenage Girl and Acid Test.
Friends and Other Monsters: 'Ezrulie' Review
Erzulie, a female-forward creature feature about a mythical mermaid, is a fun and unexpected indie flick that follows then subverts horror tropes in a clever, entertaining way.
Back Row's Fifth Year in Movie Reviews, Podcasts & Lists
Back Row is five years old and ready to star in its own version of Kindergarten Cop! Check out our best lists, podcasts and articles from the past year you may have missed.
Ep# 16 - A Heroic Trio of Female Prisoner Scorpions
After being subjected to Jerry Lewis movies, Carlo challenges Jenna to watch some of his favorite action films–including The Heroic Trio, and the first two Female Prisoner Scorpion films.
Alex Ross Perry's "Her Smell" Reeks of Toxic Brilliance
Alex Ross Perry’s Her Smell perfectly depicts the push-and-pull ecosystem of the public’s relationship to a celebrity whose toxicity overshadows her talent.
Double Feature: Manga in Chains (Female Prisoner Scorpion & Riki-Oh)
Based on a manga? Check. Strong, silent protagonist? Check. Prisons? Check. Rage against The Man? Check. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky and the Female Prisoner Scorpion movies complement each other perfectly as showcases of Japanese and Hong Kong cinema at the zenith of their age.