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Double Feature: Youth In Exciting Times (Diary of a Teenage Girl & Acid Test)
Veronica double features two teens experimenting with broadening their horizons in two turbulent decades – Diary of a Teenage Girl and Acid Test.
Alex Ross Perry's "Her Smell" Reeks of Toxic Brilliance
Alex Ross Perry’s Her Smell perfectly depicts the push-and-pull ecosystem of the public’s relationship to a celebrity whose toxicity overshadows her talent.
Double Feature: Female Anxiety, Celebrity Edition (I, Tonya & Amy)
Veronica takes a look at I, Tonya and Amy in this latest double feature with a focus on celebrity female anxiety as its theme.
Monsters, Robots, "Nice" Guys, Oh My! in Vigalondo's Colossal
A review of Nacho Vigalondo's Colossal, staring Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis