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Ep# 19 - Kingdom of Trash (Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love Junk Horror)
This week on the podcast, Veronica and Dan discuss trashy jump-scare horror and the current trend of calling certain genre films “elevated.”
Art vs Trash: Why "Elevated Horror" Doesn't Work As Well as Junk Horror
Horror films are like yoga for the primordial parts of our brains, and when something is so directly tied to our lower instincts, it can be hard to ‘pretty it up.’
Girls With Guns in Hong Kong: Beyond Michelle Yeoh & Cynthia Rothrock
"Girls With Guns" as a sub-genre was an absolute phenomenon in Hong Kong between the ‘80s and ‘90s where the climate for female empowerment in male-dominated exploitation cinema reigned supreme.
Singing Psychedelia: Drug Soaked Musicals of the '70s & '80s
People who dislike musicals like to make claims about how unrealistic they are while they stand in line for yet another superhero movie, but nobody who likes musicals is dying for realism. Read about Xanadu, Phantom of The Paradise and All That Jazz.
Double Feature: Manga in Chains (Female Prisoner Scorpion & Riki-Oh)
Based on a manga? Check. Strong, silent protagonist? Check. Prisons? Check. Rage against The Man? Check. Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky and the Female Prisoner Scorpion movies complement each other perfectly as showcases of Japanese and Hong Kong cinema at the zenith of their age.
Beautiful Trash Part Deux: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
this isn’t the starry-eyed kids of the pre-Vietnam sixties, setting out to make a name for themselves. It’s the druggies and the rockers and they’re here to party because fuck you, old man.