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Double Feature: Desperate Man Double (Dog Day Afternoon & The Mist)
This double feature is about desperation beyond comprehension; these aren’t films about the about the possibility of a disaster but the fruition of one.
Review of '223 Wick': Psychedelic Parrish, Midnight Movie Madness
223 Wick is a film that will be appreciated by aficionados of the experimental, underground works of the ‘60s and ‘70s where sometimes you’re only along for the ride because of the psychedelic visuals and totally out there concepts.
Life Without a Parachute: A Review of Anne at 13,000 Ft.
If the past two years of societal upheaval hasn't been enough drama for you, Kazik Radwanski's Anne at 13,000 Ft. is here to whip you right back into another panic attack. Or really, take you on a leisurely walk through one woman's frenetic downward spiral as a meditation on the concept of control.
Three Men, and a Baby In The White House: Onur Tukel's The Misogynists
Onur Tukel’s The Misogynists tickles an intellectually vouyeristic itch by peering into the minds of people who were actually happy after the 2016 election. There is something cathartic about the film’s fly-on-the-wall approach to analyzing people through their political convictions–though the darts Tukel throws at the left hit much closer to home.
Back Row Book Club: Nick Nolte's Rebel
Veronica was impressed by how honest Nick Nolte’s autobiography Rebel is. From being open about his struggles with mental illness and drugs, to his love to acting and unconventional women, there’s more to Nick Nolte than that one mug shot.
Art vs Trash: Why "Elevated Horror" Doesn't Work As Well as Junk Horror
Horror films are like yoga for the primordial parts of our brains, and when something is so directly tied to our lower instincts, it can be hard to ‘pretty it up.’
Eat Your Heart Out: The Carnivorous Women of Raw and The Lure
Women feasting on the life-force of men, presented in two great female-directed films.