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Double Feature: Desperate Man Double (Dog Day Afternoon & The Mist)
This double feature is about desperation beyond comprehension; these aren’t films about the about the possibility of a disaster but the fruition of one.
Cream of the Crud: On the Move
Carlo and Dan are back with more Cream of the Crud action, talking about: Chucky movies, Sasquatchtober picks, and answering listener questions!
Franchise Frenzy: Children of the Corn Series (Part One: I - IV)
Today is the first Franchise Frenzy episode (of potentially many?!) where Dan and Carlo discuss all of the Stephen King's Children of the Corn adaptations and sequels.
This Halloween, Watch These Alternative Horror Picks
In the spirit of the Halloween season, Dan’s whipped up some recommendations for alternative horror picks to slide into your rotation with the regular year-after-year classics we all know and love.
Childhood is Hell: The Horror of Coming of Age Movies
Stand By Me and Now and Then faces mortality, while The Transfiguration and Eyes of My Mother accept it head-on.