Articles, Essays and More

Reviews Jenna Ipcar Reviews Jenna Ipcar

Keeping Tempo but Losing Time: TÁR (2022) Ending Explained

Lydia’s obsession with legacy is in turn an obsession with control. But in this modern world of social media-driven celebrity, spaces once reserved for the self-appointed elite have shrunk significantly. So focused on her need to achieve an invulnerable standard, Lydia becomes blind to the evolving reality around her.

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Podcasts Jenna Ipcar Podcasts Jenna Ipcar

Post-Anime Club: Tokyo Idols & Perfect Blue

Capitalism, loneliness and purity is the name of the japanese idol game–especially as told through Tokyo Idols and Perfect Blue. Carlo and Jenna discuss these themes in depth as they attempt to navigate the darker aspects of a society they otherwise tend to admire.

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