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Do Good Intentions Even Matter? A Study in the Licorice Pizza Controversy
Ironically, as Licorice Pizza’s reception started to spin out, what seemed to get lost in the crossfire was its own thematic focus on well-intentioned characters losing control of their narratives.
Male Anxiety Movies That Fear the Future is Female
In this day of blurred lines between gender, sexual orientation, and what those words even mean, the axiom of the “every man” is fading away. Veronica looks at three movies that anticipated this inevitable sea change with varying degrees of male tears.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Rob Zombie's 31
A creepy carnival clown Hunger Games lead by Malcolm McDowell dressed as Marie Antoinette via Rob Zombie? Sadly, 31 was just a bloody, boring mess.
Double Feature: The Stylish and Violent Op Art Future We Deserve (Clockwork Orange & The 10th Victim)
That's right folks, pretty soon we'll be able to violently murder each other next to some sweet-ass concentric circles, just like our forefathers envisioned. You might scoff, but we've been dreaming of this future for a long time.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: La Grande Bouffe
La Grande Bouffe is a movie that drags out all of the worst qualities in humanity and society, mixes them with our most base and unpleasant bodily functions, and then wallows in them all like pigs in shit.
Double Feature: Counterculture Cowboys of 1971 (The Hired Hand & Zachariah)
Featuring The Hired Hand and Zachariah - fusions of Western and counterculturist values.