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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: I Saw The Devil
The beautiful and unflinchingly brutal I Saw The Devil invites the the audience to meditate on the idea of the purpose of revenge and justice – how either is served and where to draw the lines between righteous vigilante and depraved psycho.
Double Feature: Capitalism Kills (Thoroughbreds & Cheap Thrills)
We’re killing Capitalism before it kills us with a double feature of Thoroughbreds and Cheap Thrills, both of which skewer, roast, and serve up the worst parts of capitalism on a metal spike.
My Friend Dahmer Review: The Dilemma Between Disgust and Empathy
My Friend Dahmer emphasizes how the culture of cruelty and selfishness in high school can aid in masking real warning signs. But to forgive or not to forgive is another question entirely.
The Two-Way Prison of Vigilantism in Villeneuve's Prisoners
The morality of vigilantism, as explored in Denis Villeneuve's 2013 film Prisoners.