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I Watched It So You Don't Have To: Albert Serra's Liberté
Liberté is as much about human nature versus society as it is about tongue versus butt. Albert Serra casts the audience in the role of the vouyer, using the act of observation as a meta commentary on nature, pleasure and freedom.
Ep# 15 - We Watched Climax So You Don't Have To
Jenna and Veronica bring I Watched It So You Don’t Have To segment to the podcast to discuss Gaspar Noe’s hyper violent dance-torture film Climax. They suspect this is actually the superior remake of Suspiria.
I Watched It So You Don't Have To: La Grande Bouffe
La Grande Bouffe is a movie that drags out all of the worst qualities in humanity and society, mixes them with our most base and unpleasant bodily functions, and then wallows in them all like pigs in shit.
Eat Your Heart Out: The Carnivorous Women of Raw and The Lure
Women feasting on the life-force of men, presented in two great female-directed films.