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Unwatchable Films and Unfilmable Books: The Great Gatsby, Naked Lunch & Dune
Veronica takes a look at whether it’s the books that are unfilmable or if the movie is just unwatchable. Spoiler: It has nothing to do with the details and everything to do with capturing the big picture.
This Halloween, Watch These Alternative Horror Picks
In the spirit of the Halloween season, Dan’s whipped up some recommendations for alternative horror picks to slide into your rotation with the regular year-after-year classics we all know and love.
Suspiria's Problematic Take on Fascism and Guilt
With the character of Dr Klemperer, Luca Guadagnino and David Kajganich make an assumption of guilt that should be unpacked. In weighing the insinuations of this storyline, Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi comes to mind.
The World of Surreal and Experimental Horror Movies
There are scores of horror movies that follow formulas, rules, and tropes to the bitter end. Even with the 2018 glut of art house horror, plenty of familiar aspects linger. To really see beyond the rainbow on this one, we need to look to experimental horror.
Annihilation Review: A Refraction of Mortality
Alex Garland's Annihilation is engaging and creepy, yet a little more on the horror-concept side than truly enlightening sci-fi to me. TL;DR I came for Stalker but I got reverse Solaris.