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Cream of the Crud: Cruise Control
It's time to get cruddy again! Carlo and Dan are talking SOV revenge movies, old tech horror movies, video game adaptations, and what they've been watching.
Cream of the Crud 33⅓: The Final Insult
On the latest Cream of the Crud episode, Carlo and Dan discuss some Vinegar Syndrome and Umbrella Entertainment BluRay announcements, movies they’ve been watching - and more!
Beneath the Planet of Cream of the Crud
Carlo & Dan are back with another potpourri of podcasting for the cinematically deranged – including Vinegar Syndrome's latest release Surf II: The End of the Trilogy to Treasure of the Ninja to The Junkman and more.
Return of Cream of the Crud
Carlo and Dan are back with another hang-out, news-talkin' episode of Cream of the Crud! It's a potpourri of podcasting for the cinematically deranged.
Ep# 14 - Carmine Capobianco: Psychos in Conversation
Carlo interviewed writer, actor, composer, and jack-of-all-trades Carmine Capobianco! Best known for his work on Psychos In Love, Galactic Gigolo, Cemetery High, and a whole lot of other stuff.
Ep# 9 - CHUD Buddies Film Discoveries of 2018
In the latest episode of Notes From the Back Row, Dan and Carlo discuss some older, lesser-known hidden-gems they watched for the first time last year.