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Jenna's Top Ten Movies of 2021
For the first time in ages, Jenna found there was just so many movies to like from 2021 that she had to actively find reasons to not include some of her favorites of the year. Long live 2021! (Well, for movies only, it was kinda shitty otherwise.)
Free Comedies on YouTube to Get Through [gestures] All of This
One might imagine the caliber of free movies on YouTube to be dismal to painful, but it turns out that a large portion of what is available without payment is surprisingly… good. Veronica talks vampire ladies, stoner humor and psychic dogs, all free on YouTube right now.
Noah Hawley's Lucy in the Sky Loses the Cosmos for the Stars
Picture yourself on a truck on a lawn, with a general unease and an outer space high. Lucy in the Sky indulges in tired tropes and gimmicks, but its most egregious mistake is focusing on space when the drama’s down here on earth.
Alex Ross Perry's "Her Smell" Reeks of Toxic Brilliance
Alex Ross Perry’s Her Smell perfectly depicts the push-and-pull ecosystem of the public’s relationship to a celebrity whose toxicity overshadows her talent.